
specific experiences, expectations, examples, etc. on the psychological level. The interplay of all of these determines the development of the indivi- dual. With the exception of specific hereditary factors or congenital physical or mental abnormal- ities we really all start off with pretty much the same development potential. What happens to us determines how we turn out and this is what is meant by "NURTURE"

Human beings have some very characteristic traits and one of these is an unwillingness to take responsibility for our own acts--unless of course they are especially good and some credit reflects on us. We tend to lay the blame for any other acts or behaviour patterns on somebody or something else. In the case of TVs this runs all the way from the trancendental-- "God made me this way and I can't help it", through the metaphysical reincarnation bit,--"I was a girl in my last life and some if it is left over", or conversely, "I am going to be a woman in my next life and this is just in preparation for it"; the biological--"It is in my genes, I'm just this way and I can't help it"; the circum- stancial--"Mother wanted a girl and raised me as one" or "my nurse used to dress me as a little girl"; to the frankly social "dominant female" routine-- "I was a very bad boy and I need to be punished and made to learn to respect woman by being dressed like one". All of these put the responsibility somewhere else than where it belongs. To these now, courtesy of Sheila, we can add the "neuro-cerebral" way out where you, a TV, are programmed in such a way that your TVism is a natural development over which you not only had no control at its inception, but are unable to do anything about it later because the "girl within" is "built in". How easy and how sat- isfying!

On the contrary how much harder it is to have the guts to come out and say out loud to yourself first and subsequently to others--"Yes, I'm a TV, I